The African Dance Drama - PRISONER OF THE KALAKIRI written by Professor Chudi Uwazuruike, succesfully opened off-Broadway recently. Among those in attendance on the opening night were members of the Press, the Entertainment Industry, and Theater-goers from the cultuarally mixed New York black and white communities. Directed by all-round Director, Bethels Agomuoh, and featuring talented cast members such as Jamaican-American Joe Cover, British-born Performer Yvonne "Dazz" Forbes and Lawyer/Judge/Author/Poet/Actor Oliver Mbamara among others, the play is a hit and has promises of longevity. The show is now on break and hopes to resume for the black history month.
DETAILED PHOTO-STORY BELOW Upper right, below left and below right, Fanzy Manguehy and Justine dictate the tune as Princess Taha, Sophie Clarke and Joy "Ayo" Houtman do the energetic Kaoka Dance steps. (NB: Place your cursor on picture for helpful footnote) |